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Hall of Fame News

2013 News and Events

  • Lei of Stars 2013
    May 1, 2013, Wednesday evening,
    Royal Hawaiian Hotel.
    Read Press release...
  • Ka Himeni 'Ana
    Hawaiian Music Competition
    August 24, 2013, Saturday, Hawaii Theatre
    Details to follow.

2012 News and Events

2011 News and Events

2010 News and Events

  • Introduction to Inductees/Annual Meeting 2010
    October 19, 2010, Tuesday
    11am to 2pm
    Waikiki Yacht Club
    $25 includes lunch
    Click here for the photos
  • Ka Himeni Ana - (Download Press Release)
    September 10, 2010, Friday
    Hawaii Theater
    Ka Himeni Ana 2010 Winners - (Download PDF)
    Ka Himeni Ana 2010 Photos

  • Lei of Stars
    May 1, 2010, Saturday, Royal Hawaiian Hotel's Grand Ballroom
    9:30 AM - Doors Open
    10:30 AM - Brunch Starts
    11:30 AM - Show Begins

    Tickets are $75 which includes brunch. Call Karen Aiu at 226-0600 or Ann at 372-8921 for tickets. Or, mail a check written out to Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame and mail to P. O. Box 4717, Honolulu, HI 96812-4717. Parking at the Sheraton Waikiki Parking Garage

    Click here to view the press release.

  • Ka Himeni Ana 2010 Sept. 10, 2010, Saturday, 7pm, Hawaii Theatre. Details to follow.

2009 News and Events

  • Lei of Stars
    May 5, 2009, Tuesday at the Hawai'i Theatre, 7:00pm

  • Ka Himeni Ana
    Sept. 5, 2009, Saturday at the Hawai�i Theatre, 7:00pm

2008 News and Events

  • Corridor of Fame unveiling of 2007 honorees:
    Feb. 16, 2008: Embassy Suites / Waikiki Beach Walk

  • Lei of Stars honoring 2007 inductees:
    April 26, 2008 at Hawaii Theatre

  • Re-opening of Satellite City Hall in Ala Moana Shopping Center:
    June 16, 2008: Display panels of HMHF honorees

  • Ka Himeni Ana: Aug 30, 2008 Saturday 7pm, Hawaii Theatre.
    Hawaiian Music competition with unamplified vocals and instruments.

  • 2008 Induction Ceremony/Annual meeting:
    September 21, 2008 Sunday at Kamehameha School's Ke'elikolani Auditorium. Annual meeting begins at 2pm; induction ceremony at 3pm. We will be announcing the 2008 inductees for the first time publicly.

  • Proclamation for Richard “Dick” Rodby
    Dec. 5, 2008: Proclamation by Mayor Hannemann for Richard "Dick" Rodby for his long-time and generous support of HMHF, and for his nurturing of up-and-coming Hawaiian musicians, many of them performing at Kemo'o Restaurant.

  • Na Lani �Eha CD receives Na Hoku Hanohano Award for Album of the Year.

2007 News & Events

  • "Ka Himeni Ana" concert - August 4, 2007 at the Hawai'i Theatre - This is different! Experience a totally acoustic sound of voice and music. Yes! Hawaiian music completely 'unplugged' in a room aclaimed for its acoustic value. Don't miss this one. Come, enjoy a unique sound experience while rooting for your favorite group, because this is also a competition. There's a nice prize for the winner. More info here.

    Tickets available at the Hawai'i Theatre boxoffice, (808)528-0506 or at hawaiitheatre.com.

  • "Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame Serenaders" free concerts
         - June 10, 2007, 2:00 PM, at the Ward Warehouse
         - June 16, 2007, 11:00 PM, at the Windard Mall in Kaneohe
         - June 24, 2007, 12:00 PM, at Kahala Mall
         - July 14, 2007, 12:00 PM, at Ala Moana Shopping Center
         - August 26, 2007, 12:00 PM, at Pearlridge (Uptown)

    The Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame Serenaders will present a series of free events open to the public at various venues across O'ahu to promote its coming "Lei of Stars" concert happening on July 19, 2007, at the Hawaii Theatre, at 7:00 PM. Along with the Serenaders will be featured artist multiple Na Hoku Hanohano Award Winner, Ku'uipo Kumukahi. The events will include traditional Hawaiian music and hula.  See more...

  • Lei of Stars" concert - July 19, 2007 at the Hawai'i Theatre - Enjoy an evening of musical magic with performances by the 2006 Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame inductee legends, Emma Veary, Nina Keali`iwahamana, Mahi Beamer, and The Brothers Cazimero.  This may be the last time these icons of Hawaiian music come together on the same stage.

    Tickets available at the Hawai'i Theatre boxoffice, (808)528-0506 or at hawaiitheatre.com.

  • The Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame and Outrigger Hotel Partnership - The final details of a new partnership between the HMHF and the OHH was settled on Friday May 25, 2007.  The two organizations will now move forward with the design and construction of an approximately 50 foot display at the Outrigger Embassy Suites in Waikiki Beach Walk paying tribute to the Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame musicians, composers, and other honorees.

    During the same afternoon, HMHF President, Kimo Stone, was interviewed for closed circuit Outrigger TV regarding the new display and the mission of the Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame. There is more to come, so stay tuned.

  • The Great Hawaiian Folk Life Festival - March 24, 2007, found the Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame Serenaders on the Outrigger Hotel Beachwalk stage on Lewers in Waikiki.  The afternoon was warm and sunny, the music was great, the hula, performed by U'ilani, was exquisit and the audience sitting on the grass or just hanging out in the mall appeared captivated.  See more...
  • Loyal Garner Legacy Awards night - On March 21, 2007, The Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame was presened the Legacy Loyal Garner Award at an a annual banquet held at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel Monarch Room.  The award is given to those chosen "who give of themselves to serve and support the music community in the true Spirit of Aloha".  See more...

2006 News & Events

  • Birth of Queen Kapi'olani commemoration - The celebration of the birth of beloved Queen Kapi'olani at 'Iolani Palace with Ku'uipo Kumukahi and the Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame Serenaders. A perfect evenining under the moon and stars; an evening for classic Hawaiian music and dance. More...
  • HMHoF Annual Meeting - Thursday, November 2, 2006 at the Kanaina Building on the Iolani Palace Grounds
  • "Imua Kamehameha" Concert - All-star entertainment honoring the 2006 Hall of Fame Inductees, Alfred Alohikea, Bill Ali`iloa Lincoln, and Henry W. Waia`u
  • Na Mele Nei Concert Series - Free of charge, Hawaiian music performances at Ward Warehouse

2005 News & Events

2004 News & Events

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P.O. Box 4717, Honolulu, HI 96812-4717
Phone: (808) 372-8921
Fax: (808) 596-8680
Email: HMHF