2004 Annual Meeting
Kawaiaha`o Church's Likeke Hall welcomed two groups: the Hawaiian Music Foundation and the Oahu Choral Directors' Guild on a warm September evening to mingle, enjoy Hawaiian food prepared by Buddy Naluai and members of the Kawaiaha`o Choir, and listen to an impressive a capella choral interpretation of Hawaiian music by Kawaiolaonapukanileo, under the direction of our own Nola Nahulu, Hawaiian Music Foundation vice president and leader of our E Mele Kakou program.
President James M.K. Stone paid tribute to Director Emeritus Marjorie Scott as "the singular constant throughout our first 10 years," saying that "her vision and worked formed the basis for our activities. Marjorie's contributions as founder, director, and staff will always be remembered with deep appreciation and fond Aloha" as she settles into her new life in Arizona. Stone then introduced our new executive director, Anna Derby Blackwell.
Nola Nahulu's report on E Mele Kakou, now in its 6th year, focused on the two schools we're working with this year: Ka`iulani Elementary (Aug 28 - Oct 8) and Lanakila Elementary (Oct 22 - December 10). Likelike School will be the third IF their funding comes through. In the spring, E Mele Kakou will be given in Nu`uanu Elementary (4th and 5th graders in separate sessions) and `Aiea Elementary.
The President's report focused on 10th Anniversary activities, notably the concert planned for June 7, 2005 at the Hawai`i Theatre, saying that music should be at the heart of our celebratory activities. Another offering is planned as a gala concert at the Kamehameha Schools' Ke`elikolani Performing Arts facility in July. Meanwhile, he announced the formation of a "promo group," the HMHFM Serenaders (who have performed at Ward Warehouse).
In other areas, membership development is working on a suggestion from director Randie Fong that we reach out to the Hawaiian community to obtain a sense of the Hawaiian stakeholders' position regarding our organization and our work. Meanwhile, we retained consultant Carolann Biederman to assist with capacity building, membership building, and fundraising. The establishment of a permanent site is coming closer as we discuss the development of a strategic partnership with Lyman Museum in Hilo.
Looking ahead, Stone remarked that our organization is the sum of our membership; members are urged to talk to their friends about HMHFM and ask them to become members. Time, skill, products, or energy all are needed to help produce our concert events; develop a line of products that will be offered on our website and at our concerts; and develop a collection policy in an effort to fulfill our museum role.