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Events Calendar

Future Events

May 1, 2013


Lei of Stars 2013

May 1, 2013, Wednesday, Royal Hawaiian Hotel, Grand Monarch Ballroom
4:00 PM - Doors Open
Click here for details...

August 24, 2013


Ka Himeni Ana

Hawaiian Music Competition
August 24, 2013, Saturday, Hawaii Theatre
7:00 PM

Ka Himeni Ana, features Hawaiian music groups performing in the �nahenahe� style, the distinctive Hawaiian music form that features sweet vocal harmony supported by unamplified acoustic instruments. Ka Himeni Ana serves as a proving ground for artists who went on to become some of the most well-known names in contemporary Hawaiian music, including Holunape, Ho�okena, Pilioha, Ku�uipo Kumukahi, Kanilau and many others.

Manu Boyd our master of ceremonies and 1986 winner states, �Ka Himeni Ana encouraged many to take a chance at singing older, unamplified music. From this have come nearly 30 winning performances and performing ensembles who went on to record music. That music has impacted the world through an explosion of interest in Hawaiian music, hula, language and more.�

Ka Himeni Ana 2013 Hawaiian Music Concert Poster Art

Past Events

May 1, 2011


Lei of Stars 2011

May 1, 2011, Sunday, Royal Hawaiian Hotel, Grand Monarch Ballroom
9:30 AM - Doors Open
Click here for details...

August 27, 2011


Ka Himeni Ana

Hawaiian Music Competition
August 27, 2011, Saturday, Hawaii Theatre
7:00 PM
Details to follow.

October 19, 2010


Introduction to Inductees/Annual Meeting 2010

October 19, 2010, Tuesday
11am to 2pm
Waikiki Yacht Club
$25 includes lunch

September 10, 2010


Ka Himeni Ana

September 10, 2010, Friday
Hawaii Theater
Click here for the photos

May 1, 2010


Lei of Stars 2010 concert

May 1, 2010, Saturday, Royal Hawaiian Hotel's Grand Ballroom

September 10, 2010


Ka Himeni Ana 2010

Sept. 10, 2010, Saturday, 7pm, Hawaii Theatre.

May 5, 2009


Lei of Stars 2009 concert

Lei of Stars 2009, May 5, 2009. This will be held at the Hawaii Theatre at 7:00pm.

Details will be announced at a later time. However, feel free to contact the HMHF at (808) 372-8921.

September 21,2008


Induction of 2008 honorees - concert

The Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame annual meeting, a special concert by up and comming headline artists, special announcements, and the induction ceremony of the 2008 HMHF honorees will be the program for September 21, 2008. All members should be present for the election of officers and the general public should also attend this event for the special occasion promises lots music, fun, and aloha.

Details will be announced at a later time. However, feel free to contact the HMHF at (808) 372-8921.

August 30, 2008


Ka Himeni Ana - concert

The Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame presents the 13th annual Ka Himeni Ana, an "unplugged" concert featuring the musical talents of ametuer and professional artists alike selected from all of the islands of Hawai'i. The only criteria for this event is the abaence of any electrically enhansed instrument or voice. The venue will be the Hawaii Theatre, where it is said that the acoustics are unequalled for this type of performance.

Come, August 30, 2008, at the Hawaii Theatre to experience the music the way it used to be played, without any electricity. It's all natural in an arena that lends itself perfectly to the natural sounds of voice and acoustic insturment.

Although this may be the best kept secret on the Hawaiian music scene, we are expecting a full house this year. Buy you tickets early at the Hawaii Theartre. - A hui hou.

April 26, 2008


Lei Of Stars 2008 concert
The annual "Lei Of Stars" concert is just around the corner, honoring the 2007 Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame inductees, Bill Kaiwa, Jesse Kalima, Eddie Kamae, Don McDiarmid Sr., Peter Moon, Marlene Sai, and John Pi'ilani Watkins. This year's program will include performances by Eddie Kamae, Peter Moon and the a special reunion of the Peter Moon band with Cyril and Martin Pahinui, Bill Kaiwa with Ken Makuakane, the Jesse Kalima 'Ohana, Ku'uipo Kumukahi, and more. The coming together of these performers in a single venue is a rare and unique event, perhaps never to happen again. Don't miss the experience of the artists who through their contributions, are the legacy of Hawaiian music.

Tickets are on sale at the Hawaii Theartre box office or contact us for more information. Download the poster (pdf) file (right-click and save as).

August 4, 2007


Ka Himeni Ana 2007 - Hawaiian music 'unplugged'
7:00 PM at The Hawai'i Theatre - Tickets now on sale at the Hawai'i Theatre Box Office - from $6-$30 - Ph. (808) 528-0506

On Saturday August 4, 2007, at the Hawai'i Theatre come experience Ka Himeni Ana, a Hawaiian music competition unique to all others. In this performance, there are is no amplified instruments or voices. As in the old days, the evening will be filled with the full natural sounds of 'unplugged' music, Hawaiian style.

Singers and musicians from all over the State of Hawai'i come to Oahu each year to compete for prizes ranging from $200 for the 6th place wto the 1st place winner prize of $1,200 and a CD recording deal from Hula Records. The acoustics in the Hawai'i Theatre is said to be the best of any indoor venue on Oahu, which is why the concert is being presented here.

Marlene Sai, will be the Mistress of Ceremonies guiding us through an evening dedicated to Aaron Mahi. Contact the Hawai'i Theatre Box Office at (808) 528-0506 or visit their Web site at hawaiitheatre.com.

The Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame is a non-profit organization that was created in 1994 to celebrate the achievements of significant composers, singers and performers in Hawaiian music. It also sponsors community outreach programs to help promote, preserve and perpetuate Hawaiian music. Profits from the concert go to help support the outreach programs of the Hall of Fame. For more information on the programs and mission of the Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame visit the Web site at hmhof.org.

Free Concerts!
June - August
Traditional Hawaiian
music and dance

Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame Serenaders" free concerts
     - June 10, 2007, 2:00 PM, at the Ward Warehouse
     - June 16, 2007, 11:00 PM, at the Windard Mall in Kaneohe
     - June 24, 2007, 12:00 PM, at Kahala Mall
     - July 14, 2007, 12:00 PM, at Ala Moana Shopping Center
     - August 26, 2007, 12:00 PM, at Pearlridge (Uptown)

The Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame Serenaders will present a series of free events open to the public at various venues across O'ahu to promote its coming "Lei of Stars" concert happening on July 19, 2007, at the Hawaii Theatre, at 7:00 PM. Along with the Serenaders will be featured artist multiple Na Hoku Hanohano Award Winner, Ku'uipo Kumukahi. The events will include traditional Hawaiian music and hula. 'E komo mai kakou and bring the family.

July 19, 2007


Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame "Lei of Stars " concert
7:00 PM at The Hawai'i Theatre - Tickets on sale starting May 21st at the Hawai'i Theatre Box Office - Ph. (808) 528-0506

Download the poster

On Thursday, July 19, 2007, the Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame proudly presents, "Lei of Stars", a concert of classic Hawaiian music featuring the most recent Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame inductees, the Brothers Cazimero, Nina Keali'iwahamana, Emma Veary and Mahiai Beamer.

"Lei of Stars" begins with pre-concert entertainment by the Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame Serenaders led by Na Hoku Hanohano award winning artist, Ku'uipo Kumukahi, followed by the incomparable music of Nina, Emma, Mahi, the Brothers Caz, as well as special hula halau performances. E komo mai, join us for an historic Hawaiian music event featuring a lineup of performers not likely to be repeated in our lifetime.

Tickets go on sale May 21, 2007. Contact the Hawai'i Theatre Box Office at (808) 528-0506 or visit their Web site at hawaiitheatre.com.

The Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame is a non-profit organization that was created in 1994 to celebrate the achievements of significant composers, singers and performers in Hawaiian music. It also sponsors community outreach programs to help promote, preserve and perpetuate Hawaiian music. Profits from the concert go to help support the outreach programs of the Hall of Fame. For more information on the programs and mission of the Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame visit the Web site at hmhof.org. Pictures of the event coming soon.

March 24, 2007


The Great Hawaiian Folk Life Festival


The Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame Serenaders perform music and dance at the Outrigger Hotel Beachwalk stage on Lewers as part of the Great Hawaiian Folk Life Festival activities. A laid back sunny afternoon of quality enternainment was enjoyed by all.

The Great Hawaiian Folk Life Festival, celebrates the 136th Birthday of Prince Jonha Kuhio, 200 Years of the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, protecting Hawaii's ocean environment, Hawaii's fishponds, the Humpback Whale sanctuary, and the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, 35 Years of the AOHCC O'ahu Council's "Ho ike ike", and the Hawaiian Culture.

The event's activities were held throughout Waikiki at the Kapiolani Park, Queen's Beach, The Outrigger Waikiki Beach Hotel and Waikiki Beachwalk.

March 24, 2007


The Annual Hawaiian Music Legacy Awards


The Legacy Awards make up a group of awards presented yearly to "people and businesses in the music community for their lifetime achievement in the field of performing arts. We recognize the accomplishments, contributions, and community service of the honorees in support of music and music business." (quote from Legacy Awards Web site). The award catagories include The Governor's Fine Arts Award, The Mayor's Performing Arts Award, The Loyal Garner Award of Excellence, and various other areas of contribution to world of Hawaiian performing arts.

The Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame, was presented with the Loyal Garner Award for Excellance during the March 21st Legacy Awards banquet at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel Monarch Room.  The honoree is selected by the family of the late Loyal Garner and the award presented by Alesha Smith, sister of Loyal.  More...

Dec 27, 2006

Birthday of Queen Kapi'olani at 'Iolani Palace


Ku'uipo Kumukahi and the Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame Serenaders, by invitation of the Friends of 'Iolani Palace, brought mele and hula to an evening under the stars concert commemorating the birth of Queen Kapi'olani from the steps of 'Iolani Palace.  From the main entrance step of the palace Ipo and the Serenaders, along with The Kamehameha Schools Alumni Glee Club, and the Kaumakapili Church Choir offered up a memorable tribute to the Queen.

Excerpts of the program containing information of interest about Queen Kapi'olani can be found here.

Apr 29, 2006

Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame "Imua Kamehameha" Concert at 7:00 PM at the Hawaii Theatre.

An all-star Hawaiian music line-up celebrating the induction of the 2006 Hall of Fame inductees, Alfred Alohikea, Bill Ali`iloa Lincoln, and Henry W. Waia`u.

Tickets are $20 - $25 plus $2 Restoration Fee; VIP Seating, $50 plus $2 Restoration Fee. Contact the Hawaii Theatre Box Office at 1130 Bethel Street, Honolulu, HI 96813; www.hawaiitheatre.com; Tel: (808) 528-0506.
Jan 8, 2005

Na Mele Nei Concert at 12:00 PM on the Ward Warehouse stage featuring Pali (Hawaiian/Contemporary) and Paul Shimomoto (Hawaiian/Hapa Haole)
Jan 15, 2005

Na Mele Nei Concert at 12:00 PM on the Ward Warehouse stage featuring a Hawaiian music jam session.
Jan 22, 2005

Na Mele Nei Concert at 12:00 PM on the Ward Warehouse stage featuring the Hawaiian Music Hall Of Fame Serenaders (Hawaiian)
Jan 29, 2005

Na Mele Nei Concert at 12:00 PM on the Ward Warehouse stage featuring Wiki Waki Woo with hula dancer, Elena
Nov 4, 2005

Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame Concert at 6:00 PM at the Mission Memorial Auditorium.

Mayor Mufi Hannemann and the City and County of Honolulu will honor the Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame with a concert at the Mission Memorial Auditorium. The concert celebrates the 10th year of the Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame and will feature Mahi Beamer, Nalani Olds, Pa`ahana and the Kahauanu Lake Singers presenting an anthology of music from the Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame's past inductees.

The concert is FREE and parking is available at the Honolulu Civic Center parking structure.

For more information contact the Mayor's Office of Culture and the Arts at 808-523-4674.
Jun 7, 2005

Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame Tenth Anniversary Concert at 7:00 PM at the Hawai`i Theatre. Our All-star cast includes:

Harry Soria, Pa`ahana, Nina Keali`iwahamana, Genoa Keawe, Hawea Waia`u and Son, Mahi and Gaye Beamer, Gary Aiko, The Kamehameha Alumni Glee Club, The Kahauanu Lake Singers, Emma Veary, Randal Hongo, Na Wahine Kuikawa, Ardis Gomes, Kula Abiva, Pi`ilani Smith, The Men of Kalaepohaku, Paul Martinez and Na Hokupa Halau.
Pa`ahana will play the pre-concert at 7:00 pm. Tickets are $25 and $20, and go on sale April 20, in person or by phone from the Hawai`i Theatre box office on Bethel St. in downtown Honolulu. Phone: 808-528-0506, Tuesdays through Saturdays.
Mar 20, 2005

Na Mele Nei Concert at 1:00 PM on the Ward Warehouse stage featuring Na Hokupa playing Hawaiian Contemporary (close 4-part harmony).
Mar 13, 2005

Na Mele Nei Concert at 1:00 PM on the Ward Warehouse stage. Hawaiian Music Sing-Along (Invited: Hall of Fame Serenaders)
Feb 27, 2005

Na Mele Nei Concert at 1:00 PM on the Ward Warehouse stage featuring SUGahDADDY 'E' Hawaiian Rock Band playing Pacific Island/Contemporary.
Feb 20, 2005

Na Mele Nei Concert at 1:00 PM on the Ward Warehouse stage featuring Derrick Kam playing a variety of styles.
Jun 8, 2004

"Na Mele Me Ma`iki" (Songs with Ma`iki), a Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame Tenth Anniversary Concert, 7 PM at the Hawaii Theatre. Performers include:
  • Emma Veary
  • Mahiai Beamer
  • The Kahauanu Lake Singers accompanied by Tommy and Kahauanu Lake
  • The Anuenue Immersion School students with their teacher, and Kumu Hula and dancers trained by the late Ma`iki Lake, including a Hula Halau from Lakewood, California.
  • Harry Soria will emcee the event which is sponsored by the Kahauanu Lake Corporation.

The Royal Hawaiian Band will play the pre-concert in the Chinatown Park adjacent to the theater from 6:15 to 6:45 pm. Tickets are $25 and $20, and go on sale May 1, in person or by phone from the Hawai`i Theatre box office on Bethel St. in downtown Honolulu. Phone: 808-528-0506, Tuesdays through Saturdays.
Sep 17, 2003

Annual Membership Meeting and Election of New Directors at Windward Community College Hai Akoakoa Campus Center, Conference Room 105, 5:30-7 PM. Five Nominees will stand for election by you, to replace those who end their second and final terms as Directors. They are an eminent group as you can read in their biographies. Like last year's Annual Meeting, this one will also end with a musical interlude and sing-along and a light buffet. We had good fun and food last year. Please plan to attend. Bring family and friends if you'd like. Bring family and friends if you'd like. Only current members may vote whose dues are paid through December 2003 or beyond.
Sep 27, 2003

Composer, Musician and `Ukulele Virtuoso Kahauanu Lake in Concert brought to you by the Hawai`i Arts Ensemble along with Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame; 4 PM at the Hawai`i Theatre. This event takes the place of the annual Fall concert usually held at Kawaiaha`o Church. Kumu Hula Michael Pili Pang created the concert to "recognize Uncle 'K' as the forefather of modern Hawaiian music" and to "allow the dancers of Halau Hula Ka No`eau an opportunity to dance with the composer and arranger of songs that have become the Halau's signature hulas." "K" Lake and his brother Tommy will accompany The Kahauanu Lake Singers featuring songs of Hawaiian Royalty. They will be joined by Michael Pang and his dancers. The Kamehameha Alumni Glee will be special guest performers. Tickets are available from the Hawai`i Theatre Box Office in Honolulu.
Nov 16, 2003

Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame concert honoring the Haili Choir brought to you by the Lyman Museum; Palace Theater, Hilo; time TBA. In performance will be the Haili Choir, The Kahauanu Lake Singers with "K" and Tommy Lake, and Halau Hula Na Maoli Pua with Kumu Hula Alicia Smith.
Feb 1, 2003

Na Mele Hawaii 2003 Concert at the Kawaiaha`o Church, featuring the Kahauanu Lake Singers, Mahiai Beamer, and Nina Kealiiwahamana. Concert begins at 3 PM; doors open at 2:30 PM.

For the whole story, click here.

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P.O. Box 4717, Honolulu, HI 96812-4717
Phone: (808) 372-8921
Fax: (808) 596-8680
Email: HMHF