Kimo's Korner
Aloha na hoaloha! Welcome to the first installment of Kimo's Korner, my opportunity to speak to you directly as the President of the Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame (HMHF). In this column, I will briefly discuss our unique E Mele Kakou music education program.
By way of background, music education has been reduced or eliminated in many Hawaii public schools. In response, the HMHF developed E Mele Kakou, an education program that utilizes the music of Na Lani Eha (the Royal Four: Kalakaua, Lili`uokalani, Likelike and Leleiohoku) to instruct 4th and 5th graders in music theory and performance. As you may know, Na Lani Eha were the first honorees inducted in the HMHF.
In recognition of their special contribution to Hawaiian music, the HMHF commissioned Gail Hanneman, education consultant and Noelani Kanoho Mahoe, Hawaiian music authority, to create a curriculum that features the music of Na Lani Eha and belle canto choral singing in the Hawaiian language. As a result students receive instruction in music as well as Hawaiian language, culture and history. HMHF Vice President Nola Nahulu oversees the program.
Our E Mele Kakou program culminates in an end-of-semester live concert performance with the Royal Hawaiian Band that is held on the grounds of Iolani Palace. Visitors are welcome and appreciated. Contact the HMHF for concert dates and time. During the past school year, performances included: Kaiulani Elementary in October 2004, Lanakila Elementary in December 2004, Aiea Elementary in March 2005, and Nu`uanu Elementary in May 2005.
If you would like to help us to continue programs such as E Mele Kakou, I humbly ask you to do two things: First, if you have not renewed your membership yet, please do so right away and consider upgrading your membership to either the 200 Partner or Lifetime Member level. Second, if you have renewed your membership, please talk to your friends and encourage them to join the HMHF. Your financial support through membership dues and donations is greatly appreciated. Mahalo piha a me ke aloha pumehana! James Mauliola Keaka Stone, Jr., President.