"Na Mele Hawai`i 2003"
Hawaiian Song & Hula On February 1

The Kahauanu Lake Singers at the September 2002 HMHF Kawaiaha`o concert: (l to r) Kahauanu and Tommy Lake, Luana Kawai`ae`a, Vernamae Perkins, and Walter Kawai`ae`a.
Save this concert date: Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame and Ke Po`okela Cultural Foundation, a California hula organization , will present The Kahauanu Lake Singers with Kahauanu and Tommy Lake accompanying, in concert with "Halau Na Meakanu O Laka O Hawai`i". Mahiai Beamer and Nina Keali`iwahamana are among the featured artists. The performance is Saturday afternoon, February 1 at Kawaiaha`o Church in Honolulu. Time is 3:00 PM; doors open at 2:30. Pre-concert ticket donation is $15, from Alan Yoshioka at Harry's Music. At the door, $20. Open seating in the church.
Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame
P.O. Box 4717, Honolulu, HI 96812-4717
Phone: (808) 372-8921
Fax: (808) 596-8680
Email: HMHoF