Hall of Fame Photo Index
2010 Photos
- Ka Himeni Ana 2010 - Photos of 2010 Ka Himeni Ana
- Lei of Stars 2010 - Photos of 2010
Lei of Stars
2009 Photos
- Lei of Stars 2009 - Photos of 2009 Lei of Stars
- Blessing of 2008 HMHF inductees at Embassy Suites/Waikiki Beach Walk - September. 20, 2009, Sunday
- Annual Meeting 2009 - September 27, 2009 (Kamehameha Schools)
2008 Photos
- Induction Ceremony 2008 - Photos of the 2008 Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony.
- King Kal�kaua's Birthday celebration - Photos of the 2008 King Kal�kaua's Birthday celebration held Nov. 16, 2008, Sunday at Iolani Palace.
- Richard Rodby's Proclamation by the Mayor - Photos from Richard Rodby's Procomlation by the Mayor
Hawaiian Music Foundation
P.O. Box 4717, Honolulu, HI 96812-4717
Phone/Fax: (808) 372-8921
Email: HMHoF