Blessing of 2008 HMHF inductees at Embassy Suites/Waikiki Beach Walk. -
September 20, 2009, Sunday
Noelani Mahoe of the Leo Nahenahe Singers, 2008 group
Palani Vaughan, 2008 inductee.
Palani Vaughan and the King's Own
Palani Vaughan and the King's Own
4 young dancers from Halau Hula Kalehua Tuahine (Kumu
Hula Ka'ilihiwa Vaughan)
Hula Ka'ilihiwa Vaughan)
Dancer from Halau Hula Kalehua Tuahine (Kumu Hula
Ka'ilihiwa Vaughan)
Ka'ilihiwa Vaughan)
The 2008 inductee panels at the Embassy Suites/Waikiki
Beach Walk features:
Joseph 'Ae'a, Alice Johnson, Albert Nahale-a,
Elizabeth "Lizzie" 'Alohikea, Kihei Brown, Anuhea Brown, John Keola Lake, Ka'upena Wong, Palani Vaughan,
Leo Nahenahe Singers (Noelani Mahoe, Ethelynne Teves, Mona Teves, LynettePaglinawan)
Beach Walk features:
Joseph 'Ae'a, Alice Johnson, Albert Nahale-a,
Elizabeth "Lizzie" 'Alohikea, Kihei Brown, Anuhea Brown, John Keola Lake, Ka'upena Wong, Palani Vaughan,
Leo Nahenahe Singers (Noelani Mahoe, Ethelynne Teves, Mona Teves, LynettePaglinawan)
Brickwood Galuteria, one of the co-emcees
Ethelynne Teves of the Leo Nahenahe Singers, 2008 group
Members of Halau Mele, John Keola Lake's (2008
inductee) halau
inductee) halau
Halau Mele performing a blessing
HMHF President James "Kimo" Stone, Jr. co-emceeing.
HMHF President James "Kimo" Stone, Jr. co-emceeing.
2008 group inductee: Leo Nahenahe Singers
Mona Teves of the Leo Nahenahe Singers, 2008 group
The Leo Nahenahe Singers with Eric Masutomi, VP of
Planning at Outrigger Enterprises and Brickwood Galuteria of Noeau Consulting.
Planning at Outrigger Enterprises and Brickwood Galuteria of Noeau Consulting.
The Leo Nahenahe Singers with Ric Trimillos, board member
of the HMHF.
of the HMHF.
2008 inductee Anuhea Brown's 'ohana: Kimo Brown
(son) is at far left with Lorrie (niece) and Brian Kanno's family.
(son) is at far left with Lorrie (niece) and Brian Kanno's family.
Hawaiian Music Foundation
P.O. Box 4717, Honolulu, HI 96812-4717
Phone/Fax: (808) 372-8921
Email: HMHoF