Two New Directors Elected At Annual Meeting

Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame and Museum held it's biennial elections on Tuesday, September 15, 1998 at Atherton Halau, Bishop Museum. Musical interludes were by Pakala Fernandes, Doug Tolentino and Art Akina.
The re-elected Directors welcomed Francis A. I. (Miki) Bowers and Richard M. Towill to the Board. Both had been slated by the Nominating Committee to fill seats left vacant by the resignations of Dr. Michael Chun and Louis Kau whose business involvements hindered their full participation.
Staggered Terms of Office
In accordance with a Bylaws amendment approved by the Board last summer, Directors will serve staggered terms, in order to prevent a possible full turnover of governing members at any subsequent election.
At the September Board meeting, Directors drew "straws" to determine length of their first staggered term of office.
New Directors, "Miki" Bowers and Richard Towill, as well as Gladys Brandt and Keiji Kawakami, appointed last year to fill out unexpired terms, will serve a full three-year term. John Derby, Ambrose Rosehill, Joe Paikai and Marjorie Scott will serve two years; Francis Keala, David Moncrief, Bob Van Dyke serve for one year.
If re-elected all Directors would serve an additional three-year term.
The Directors re-elected their present Officers: President, David R. Moncrief; Vice President, Francis Keala; Secretary-Treasurer, Marjorie J. Scott.
Pakala Fernandes, Doug Tolentino and Art Akina played and sang familiar Hawaiian songs before the business meeting, and afterwards, while members enjoyed each other's company and many ono pupus.
Mark Your Calendar Now!
The Hall of Fame will honor The Royal Hawaiian Band in concert, Hawai`i Theater, Weds, 4/14/99. Pre-public ticket details & program in Winter issue of "Ho`oha`i".