Spring 2001 Photos
Auntie Genoa and Her Hawaiians

Auntie Genoa and Her Hawaiians performing in a fund raising benefit concert at the Lunalillo Home. Left to right: steel guitar artist Alan L. Akaka, Momi Bee Kahawaiola`a, Genoa Keawe, and Genoa's son Gary Aiko on bass.
The Kahauanu Lake Singers

The Kahauanu Lake Singers, who were on the Hawai`i Theatre stage for the "6th Annual Ho`ohanohano" of the Hall of Fame, February 20. Pictured at a special Hall of Fame concert at Iolani Palace are, left to right, Keola Chan, Vernamae Perkins, Walter and Luana Kawai`ae`a, and Arthur (Atai) Akina.
Hall of Fame Education Committee

Our Education Committee members discuss future expansion of E Mele Kakou (We Sing). The Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame and Museum's in-school Hawaiian music program is now being taught at Hanahaole School, the second "pilot" project, gaining interest and attention in the public and private school systems. Pictured are, left to right, Mandy Bowers; Charlotte White, Principal of Princess Kaiulani Elementary School; and John M. Derby, Sr., Hall of Fame Vice President and Education Committee Chairman.
Hawaiian Music Foundation
P.O. Box 4717, Honolulu, HI 96812-4717
Phone/Fax: (808) 372-8921
Email: HMHoF