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Winter 2000 Photos

New Officers
New Officers Meet the newly-elected Officers of Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame and Museum. (l to r) Francis A. I. "Miki" Bowers, Treasurer; John M. Derby, Sr., Vice President; Joseph K.K.H. Paikai, President; and Marjorie J. Scott, Secretary.
"Papale Potpourri"
Papale Potpourri Member Evelyn Casaceli and her 90+ hat collection
Nalani Olds
Nalani Olds On behalf of the Hall of Fame, Nalani Olds tells the story of Queen Lili`uokalani�s music and sings the Queen's songs for children and their parents at the State Library on King Street.
Kenneth Brown
Kenneth Brown New Board member Kenneth F. Brown treats the gathering at the Hall of Fame Annual Meeting with his signature song Waipio, and other traditional Hawaiian favorites.
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Hawaiian Music Foundation
P.O. Box 4717, Honolulu, HI 96812-4717
Phone/Fax: (808) 372-8921
Email: HMHoF