Inductee, Kamehameha Schools, Ceremony Pictures
President Chun | |
School President, Dr. Michael Chun, greets the Foundation Directors and Officers. |
The Ceremony Begins
The ceremony is proclaimed with the blowing of the conch shell followed by a prayerful chant.
High School Chorus
The Kamehameha Schools High School Chorus rings out with the School Song and we all sang along.
Joseph Paikai and Student | |
Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame President, Joseph Paikai, shows the Hall of Fame trophy awarded to Kamehameha Schools to fifth grade student, Kanoe Holomalia. |
Hawaiian Music Foundation
P.O. Box 4717, Honolulu, HI 96812-4717
Phone/Fax: (808) 372-8921
Email: HMHoF