

May 10 Concert
Ancient "Kahiko Era" Chant/Dance Featured
At Hawai`i Theater on Wednesday evening, May 10, you will experience a unique re-creation of what the Kaula (prophets) foretold about Hawai`i's future, over 200 years ago. The prophetic words of the Kaula were always fulfilled, as you will learn. Mahiai Beamer, Ed Kalahiki and Kuinai will tell the story in chants of prophecy (Mele Wanana), hidden sayings (Olelo Huna) and dance.
To complete the Kahiko Era in our history of pre-contact Hawai`i, the following Kahuna Nui and Prophets will be inducted into the Hall of Fame: Ka`opulupulu, Kapoukahi, Kapihe, and Hewahewa who served as Kahuna for both Kamehameha I and Liholiho (Kamehameha II).
From modern times, the treasured composer-musician Maddy Lam, will also be honored in the Year 2000 Hall of Fame. On stage to present her songs and those of past Hall of Fame recipients will be Emma Veary with Nile Hannemann, Nina Keali`iwahamana, The Kahuanu Lake Singers, with dancing by the Gracious Ladies. We can also expect some "surprise guests", says concert producer Kahauanu Lake.
Pre-public sale of this year's benefit concert tickets will start for Hall of Fame members on April 10 at Hawai`i Theater. Seats in Center Orchestra ONLY are $40. Side sections of the Orchestra through the Second Balcony are all priced at $25 each. (A $2 Theater Restoration Fee is applied to all ticket sales.) From past years' experience, you are advised to order early. Box office phone, 9-5, Tuesdays through Saturdays: (808) 528-0506.
Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame and Museum
1732 Halekoa Drive, Honolulu HI 96821-1027
Phone/Fax: (808) 739-9164
Email: [email protected]
Homepage URL: www.hawaiimusicmuseum.org ([email protected])
Last updated: 3/7/00 by John Ely ([email protected])
