Two Annual Events to Attend in September
Mark Your Calendar and Bring Your Family and Friends!
Saturday, Sept. 1 - 2nd Annual Concert at Kawaiaha`o Church Sanctuary. We are especially honored to have The Royal Hawaiian Band to prelude the concert at 3:30 PM. and The Haili Church Choir, (2001 Hall of Fame Honorees) fly over from Hilo to sing for us during the concert . As we go to press, concert producer and director, Kahauanu Lake has informed us the appearance of a very special surprise guest dancer to perform a new Kahauanu Lake song honoring Kawena Pukui. Donation $15. Tickets from Alan Yoshioka at Harry's Music, Honolulu, or at the door.
Wednesday, Sept. 19 - Annual Meeting, Likeke Hall at Kawaiaha`o Church, 5-7 PM. Another excellent chance to be with friends, meet the Directors, and be the first to hear exciting news about the Hall of Fame from a distinguised guest speaker, as well as future Hall of Fame plans.
You are invited to attend, whether you are a member or not, although non-members may not vote in the Elections. If you wish, you may also join the Hall of Fame at this meeting. "Eleanor's Catering" will serve heavy pupus and punch. Favorite songs will be played; you are welcome to sing along and/or dance if the mood strikes you!
Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame and Museum
1732 Halekoa Drive, Honolulu HI 96821-1027
Phone/Fax: (808) 739-9164
Email: [email protected]
Homepage URL: www.hawaiimusicmuseum.org ([email protected])
Last updated: 8/2/01 by John Ely ([email protected])