How the Hall of Fame Exhibits Are Made
We thought you might like to see the many steps it takes, over several months, to construct the koa exhibits, on view around Honolulu. Here's the story, in pictures, of the 2001 Hall of Fame, presently standing in the entrance to the Lobby Bar at the Hawai`i Marriott Resort Hotel. Our four Hall of Fame displays since 1995 are the beginnings of our Hawaiian music history and resource center for which we are working to provide a permanent home soon.
Step 1
At Martin & MacArthur, Kalani Stasack, Plant Foreman, keys in the engineering diagram for Hall of Fame panels, originally designed in 1995 with Richard M. Towill.
Step 2
Rough edges of the stencil design below each panel are filed smooth. Design follows the one in Queen Lili`uokalani's rocking chair. |
Step 3
After wood dust is removed, the frame is cleaned with a fine wood polish containing lemon oil. |
Step 4
At the Robyn Buntin Oceanic Gallery workroom, Mr. Fong measures copy for mounting. Designer Aisha Buntin, looks on.
Step 5
Robyn Buntin adjusts photos for artistic balance, on Genoa's panels |
Step 6
Yuji Oshiro of K&Y Transfer, our official exhibit handler, locks two panels in place at Hawai`i Theatre. |
Step 7
The finished 2001 Hall of Fame Exhibit contains copies of priceless photos from the private collection of Genoa Keawe-Aiko and the Haili Church Choir, drawing many visitors.