William Pitt Leleiohoku

The youngest of "The Heavenly Four", Prince Leleiohoku was said by his sister, Lili`uokalani to have a talent for composition "really in advance" of the two princesses. He founded the Kawaihao Singing Club and soon he and his colleagues were winning most of the royal song club competitions. Even outside the family, many claimed that he had one of the purest and sweetest male voices among native Hawaiians. Leleiohoku was considered the most talented of the royal composers. Had he not died of rheumatic fever at age 23, his abundant talent promised that his would have been a brilliant musical career.
His excellent songs are still being sung, among them " Adios Ke Aloha", and "Moani Ke Ala". The melodic line from "Kaua I Ka Huahua`i" was later adopted for the modern "Hawaiian War Chant." Many of his compositions adapted the folk tunes of visiting merchants and sailors, and of foreign settlers to the Islands.